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At Holy Trinity School, we strive to instill Catholic values, such as compassion and responsibility into our students. Our faculty and staff provide an education rooted in Christ that is second to none. We pray that the education we share with our students will allow them to grow deeper in their faith, morality and life in Christ. We ask God's blessing on our every intention and effort.

Sincerely yours,

Brenda Gagnon



Weekly Notes

Good Afternoon,


 Well! Another year down. It really is scary how fast these are flying by. That is why it is so important to take the moment and enjoy every little part of your child’s journey. It was a wonderful year and though the staff will be enjoying their down time…the children will be missed. I am praying you all have a great summer. If you are traveling then we pray for safe travels. 


You are receiving next year’s school calendar today. Bills will also be going home today. Please remember the balance does not reflect this afternoon, tomorrow or Thursday morning for morning care. You can send the payment in on Thursday morning.


I ask that if your child receives a notice to attend summer school, you let us know immediately if they will be attending. The dates will be June 24th - July 18th. Monday - Thursday 8:30 am - 10:30 am. Children who fail a subject are mandated to attend summer school. Others might be recommended.


Have a great Summer!!! See you in August!


God Bless!


Mrs. Gagnon

Calling all Alumni

June 2nd 11:30 am - 1:00 pm will be our 1st ever Alumni event. This is for both Holy Trinity and St. Jean Baptiste School. Light food will be served at the parish hall. The school will be open for you to walk through. Reconnect with your classmates and visit with your favorite teachers.

Please call the office or email me if you will be attending. Spread the word to anyone who attended either Holy Trinity or St. Jeans Baptiste School.




Sign up sheets went home last week. At this point we are offering a PK/K summer camp and a sports camp for grades K - 3. Please know there are only 20 spots in each and it is first come (paid), first serve.

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